Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dance and a Visit

About two hours late, we pointed the Caddy toward Slave Lake.
Kaylee ended up staying at High Level.
Carson, Teddy, Dathan and Trenton had traveled to sing. It was obvious they were popular.
Brianna and Patsy bought earrings.

"The girls" led and carried on the dancing.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Town Trip

After work, we drove to town with the kids and Kaylee's friend. After pizza at the Stardust, Kaylee and her friend joined her High Level friends and we headed home.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Patsy got home around five this morning :) She woke me up by slapping my foot!
The young ones got bikes and toys!

Kaylee and I got some great clothes :)
Tired as she was, Patsy went in to work for the afternoon.
After work, we walked to the store. On the way home, our neighbor stopped and offered to bring our packages home for us. Very, very nice.
This evening, Kaylee paid me an extra special compliment. She's a wonderful daughter.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Chores Again

I've been doing chores, pretty much since I got home, and have plenty more to do yet. Patsy and her brothers are on their way. They've stopped over at Slave Lake, while Patsy visits her friend.
She says she's still hoping to come home tonight. We're all hoping so as well. As long as there's no complications and she's safe.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Trade with Billy Ross

My brother-in-law called me this afternoon, offering to check my vehicle, and maybe get it going. I suggested we trade. I'd mow his lawn in return for his effort to get the Yukon started.

It worked!

The other big news of the evening is Brianna's tooth came out (she understands that she might have to wait a day or two, if the tooth fairy is on vacation or at a workshop or something).

Patsy and her "cadillac crew" may be coming back tomorrow evening, as soon as the workshop wraps up.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Busy, Busy

It was quite a "Murphy" morning. Kids were slow, as they hadn't been very keen to go to bed last night, but we had laid out the clothes.
Once we finally got rolling, I was in my jeans and had to run to the Yukon (it's still broken down at the end of the driveway, since Saturday evening) for a piece of paper... Of course I hadn't brought the keys and the vehicle was locked.
Hurried, got the keys, and got to the piece of paper.
It was nearly nine when I called the school, to find out the buses weren't running (because the drivers are on the other side of the river, and it still wasn't known whether or not the bridge was safe). So, I was about to stay cool and walk the kids to school. Looked like a beautiful morning for a walk anyway.
The the young man that lives across the road came by
He called his uncle, to drive the kids to school for me.
I decided I'd still walk to work.
When I arrived, I realized my employee had the first part of the morning off, and I hadn't brought my keys. There was a student waiting, who agreed to wait until I walked home and back...
On my way, one of the neighbors picked me up and drove me home. Turned out he already had an apppointment with me, and couldn't keep it unless I found my keys, anyway!
Of course I couldn't find the keys, so ended up going where my employee was, to borrow hers.
The rest of the morning and the rest of the day went quite smoothly.
I actually maintained a pretty good mood throughout this!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Patsy's Birthday

Patsy sure had a big grin, as she nosed her birthday gift onto the highway and pointed toward Edmonton. She has brother and friend/co-worker with her.
Thirty eight today.
Carson's staying for the birthday barbeque we've decided to have anyway. Kaylee brought a friend home with her.
We called and sang "Happy Birthday" by phone as she was within about half an hour of Whitecourt.
It was also a significant "success" day for NASA, landing Phoenix on Mars.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Patsy Comes Home

After four days to the "the city", Patsy makes her way home for a visit and a sleep. We went for a walk, did some laundry, spent some time with the children, and went to bed early, as she has so much driving to do.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Patsy Goes South

She's off to a short course in Edmonton.